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A Guide to Yoga Poses


Yoga has been said to have so many health benefits such as lowering blood pressure and improving blood circulation thereby keeping a person's heart in good conditions. There are so many yoga poses, and as a beginner you have no idea where to start. This guideline will serve to aid you to know different yoga styles.


Beginners can start by learning any easy yoga pose for example corpse pose.  This usually the simplest yoga style did after performing more difficult poses.  Corpse pose just like the name just involves getting in dead man in a coffin like position, while setting your legs apart up to their limits.  This post is like giving yourself a break, to get back to breathe which is exhausted by doing other poses.


Cat pose, involves a person getting down to their hands and legs while holding their shoulders up.  A person is supposed to do then breathing exercises for a while. This position assist to stretch the back, and the shoulders of a person.


Dancer pose is a next level restorative yoga style, which to do properly requires experience.  A person to get into this yoga style, while standing will raise one leg up on the back and hold it with the same side hand while simultaneously straightening the other hand perpendicularly to their body. 


Chair pose is like a person is sitting down and all of a sudden the chair is removed but instead of falling down the person is left in a state position.  Also, a person should raise both arms in the air up to their limits. This pose is beneficial to the diaphragm and also assist the body blood circulation system.


Down facing dog yoga pose.  People will get to learn this style within the first days of going to a yoga class. A person will bend forward until both their arms touch the ground, then they will lift they behind as high as possible by straightening their legs, while the hands are firmly placed on the ground. This pose is great for women past the age of 45years and also assist to energize the body and relieves the brain of any stress.


Lizard pose is one of the complex yoga styles.  The easiest way to get into lizard pose is to first get into downward dog pose. Then one of leg should move one step back, forcing you to get to your elbows and forehands on the ground. Then move the other leg forward in a sitting leg position. A person will perform breathing exercises in this position for several minutes.  The benefit of this pose is the smoothening of the hips and pelvis movements.

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